Carl Waldspurger: Research


Resource management, caching, virtualization, operating systems, computer architecture, security, performance tools.


  • Yuhong Zhong, Daniel S. Berger, Carl Waldspurger, Ishwar Agarwal, Rajat Agarwal, Frank Hady, Karthik Kumar, Mark D. Hill, Mosharaf Chowdhury, Asaf Cidon. Managing Memory Tiers with CXL in Virtualized Environments, Proceedings of the 18th Symposium on Operating System Design and Implementation (OSDI '24), Santa Clara, California, July 2024. PDF.

  • Tyler Estro, Mario Antunes, Pranav Bhandari, Anshul Gandhi, Geoff Kuenning, Yifei Liu, Carl Waldspurger, Avani Wildani, Erez Zadok. Accelerating Multi-Tier Storage Cache Simulations Using Knee Detection, Performance Evaluation (PEVA), Volume 164, May 2024. PDF.

  • Peter Desnoyers, Ian Adams, Tyler Estro, Anshul Gandhi, Geoff Kuenning, Mike Mesnier, Carl Waldspurger, Avani Wildani, Erez Zadok. Persistent Memory Research in the Post-Optane Era, Proceedings of the First Workshop on Disruptive Memory Systems (DIMES '23), Koblenz, Germany, October 2023. PDF.

  • Tyler Estro, Mario Antunes, Pranav Bhandari, Anshul Gandhi, Geoff Kuenning, Yifei Liu, Carl Waldspurger, Avani Wildani, Erez Zadok. Guiding Simulations of Multi-Tier Storage Caches Using Knee Detection, Proceedings of the 31st International Symposium on the Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS '23), Stony Brook, NY, October 2023. PDF.

  • Hasan Al Maruf, Yuhong Zhong, Hongyi Wang, Mosharaf Chowdhury, Asaf Cidon, Carl Waldspurger. Memtrade: Marketplace for Disaggregated Memory Clouds, Proceedings of the 2023 ACM International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems (SIGMETRICS '23), Orlando, Florida, June 2023. PDF. An earlier version appears as ArXiv e-prints, arXiv:2108.06893, August 2021. PDF.

  • Vladimir Kiriansky and Carl Waldspurger. Speculative Buffer Overflows: Attacks and Defenses, ArXiv e-prints, arXiv:1807.03757, July 2018. Disclosed Spectre variant CVE-2018-3693. PDF.

  • Carl A. Waldspurger, Trausti Saemundsson, Irfan Ahmad, Nohhyun Park. Miniature Cache Simulations for Modeling and Optimization, USENIX ;login, Volume 43, Number 1, March 2018. PDF.

  • Carl A. Waldspurger, Trausti Saemundsson, Irfan Ahmad, Nohhyun Park. Cache Modeling and Optimization using Miniature Simulations, Proceedings of the 2017 USENIX Annual Technical Conference (ATC '17), Santa Clara, California, July 2017. Received award for best paper. PDF, Slides, Audio.

  • Derek R. Hower, Harold W. Cain, Carl A. Waldspurger. PABST: Proportionally Allocated Bandwidth at the Source and Target, Proceedings of the Twenty-Third IEEE Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA '17), Austin, Texas, February 2017. PDF.

  • Carl A. Waldspurger, Nohhyun Park, Alexander Garthwaite, Irfan Ahmad. Beyond Working Sets: Online MRC Construction with SHARDS, USENIX ;login, Volume 40, Number 3, June 2015. PDF.

  • Carl A. Waldspurger, Nohhyun Park, Alexander Garthwaite, Irfan Ahmad. Efficient MRC Construction with SHARDS, Proceedings of the Thirteenth Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST '15), Santa Clara, California, February 2015. Received FAST '25 Test of Time Award. PDF, Slides, Video.

  • Richard West, Puneet Zaroo, Carl A. Waldspurger, and Xiao Zhang. CAFE: Cache-Aware Fair and Efficient Scheduling for CMPs, in Multicore Technology: Architecture, Reconfiguration and Modeling, CRC Press, ISBN 1439880638, Chapter 8, July 2013. PDF.

  • Ajay Gulati, Anne Holler, Minwen Ji, Ganesha Shanmuganathan, Carl A. Waldspurger, Xiaoyun Zhu. VMware Distributed Resource Management: Design, Implementation, and Lessons Learned, VMware Technical Journal, March 2012. PDF.

  • Carl Waldspurger and Mendel Rosenblum. I/O Virtualization, Communications of the ACM, January 2012. PDF.

  • Ajay Gulati, Ganesha Shanmuganathan, Irfan Ahmad, Carl A. Waldspurger, Mustafa Uysal. Pesto: Online Storage Performance Management in Virtualized Datacenters, Proceedings of the Second ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing (SOCC '11), Cascais, Portugal, October 2011. Award paper. PDF.

  • Carl Waldspurger. A VM 'Engine' That Makes A Difference: Technical Perspective, Communications of the ACM, October 2010. PDF.

  • Richard West, Puneet Zaroo, Carl A. Waldspurger, Xiao Zhang. Online Cache Modeling for Commodity Multicore Processors, Extended Abstract, Proceedings of Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT '10), Vienna, Austria, September 2010. PDF. Full paper appears as joint VMware and Boston University Technical Report VMware-TR-2010-002/BUCS-TR-2010-015, July 2010. PDF.

  • Ajay Gulati, Irfan Ahmad, Carl A. Waldspurger. PARDA: Proportional Allocation of Resources for Distributed Storage Access, Proceedings of the Seventh Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST '09), San Francisco, California, February 2009. PDF, Slides.

  • Xiaoxin Chen, Tal Garfinkel, E. Christopher Lewis, Pratap Subrahmanyam, Carl A. Waldspurger, Dan Boneh, Jeffrey Dwoskin, Dan R.K. Ports. Overshadow: A Virtualization-Based Approach to Retrofitting Protection in Commodity Operating Systems, Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS '08), Seattle, Washington, March 2008. PDF, Slides, Slides-PPT.

  • Dong Ye, Aravind Pavuluri, Carl A. Waldspurger, Brian Tsang, Bohuslav Rychlik, Steven Woo. Prototyping a Hybrid Main Memory Using a Virtual Machine Monitor, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD '08), Lake Tahoe, California, October 2008. PDF, Slides.

  • Carl A. Waldspurger. Memory Resource Management in VMware ESX Server, Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI '02), Boston, Massachusetts, December 2002. Received award for best paper, SIGOPS Hall of Fame Award. PDF, Slides.

  • William R. Hamburgen, Deborah A. Wallach, Marc A. Viredaz, Lawrence S. Brakmo, Carl A. Waldspurger, Joel F. Bartlett, Timothy Mann, and Keith I. Farkas. Itsy: Stretching the Bounds of Mobile Computing, IEEE Computer, 34(4), April 2001. PDF. An earlier technical report is The Itsy Pocket Computer, Compaq WRL Research Report 2000/6, October 2000. PDF.

  • Michael Burrows, Ulfar Erlingson, Shun-Tak Leung, Mark T. Vandevoorde, Carl A. Waldspurger, Kevin Walker, and William E. Weihl. Efficient and Flexible Value Sampling, Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS '00), Cambridge, MA, November 2000. PDF, Slides. Also appears as Research Report 166, Compaq Systems Research Center, August 2000. PDF.

  • Jennifer Anderson, Lance Berc, Jeffrey Dean, Sanjay Ghemawat, Shun-Tak Leung, Mitch Litchenberg, Mark Vandevoorde, Gerard Verns, Carl Waldspurger, William Weihl, Jonathan White. Hardware Support for Out-of-Order Instruction Profiling on Alpha 21264a, Proceedings of the Eleventh Hot Chips Symposium (HOTCHIPS '99), Palo Alto, CA, August 1999. Slides.

  • Jennifer Anderson, Lance Berc, George Chrysos, Jeffrey Dean, Sanjay Ghemawat, Jamey Hicks, Shun-Tak Leung, Mitch Lichtenberg, Mark Vandevoorde, Carl A. Waldspurger, and William E. Weihl. Transparent, Low-Overhead Profiling on Modern Processors, Workshop on Profile and Feedback-Directed Compilation, Paris, France, October 13, 1998. PDF.

  • Jeff Dean, Jamey Hicks, Carl A. Waldspurger, William E. Weihl, and George Chrysos. ProfileMe: Hardware Support for Instruction-Level Profiling on Out-of-Order Processors, Proceedings of the 30th Annual Symposium on Microarchitecture, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, December 1997. PDF, Slides.

  • Jennifer Anderson, Lance Berc, Jeff Dean, Sanjay Ghemawat, Monika Henzinger, Shun-Tak Leung, Dick Sites, Mark Vandevoorde, Carl A. Waldspurger, and William E. Weihl. Continuous Profiling: Where Have All the Cycles Gone?, Proceedings of the 16th Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP '97), St. Malo, France, October 1997. Award paper. PDF. Journal version appear as ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, November 1997. PDF. Also appears as DEC SRC Technical Note 1997-016a, September 1997. PDF.

  • William E. Weihl, Jennifer Anderson, Lance Berc, Jeff Dean, Sanjay Ghemawat, Monika Henzinger, Shun-Tak Leung, Dick Sites, Mark Vandevoorde, and Carl Waldspurger. Continuous Profiling (It's 10:43; Do You Know Where Your Cycles Are?), Proceedings of the Ninth Hot Chips Symposium (HOTCHIPS '97), Palo Alto, CA, August, 1997. Slides.

  • Carl A. Waldspurger and William E. Weihl. An Object-Oriented Framework for Modular Resource Management, Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Object-Orientation in Operating Systems (IWOOOS '96), Seattle, Washington, October 1996. PDF.

  • Carl A. Waldspurger. Lottery and Stride Scheduling: Flexible Proportional-Share Resource Management, Ph.D. dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, September 1995. Also appears as Technical Report MIT/LCS/TR-667. Received MIT EECS Sprowls prize, ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award. PDF, Slides.

  • Carl A. Waldspurger and William E. Weihl. Stride Scheduling: Deterministic Proportional-Share Resource Mangement, Technical Memorandum MIT/LCS/TM-528, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science, June 1995. PDF.

  • Carl A. Waldspurger and William E. Weihl. Lottery Scheduling: Flexible Proportional-Share Resource Mangement, Proceedings of the First Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI '94), pages 1-11, Monterey, California, November 1994. Received award for best paper. PDF, Slides.

  • Carl A. Waldspurger and William E. Weihl. Register Relocation: Flexible Contexts for Multithreading, Proceedings of the 20th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA '93), May 1993. PDF, Slides.

  • Eric A. Brewer and Carl A. Waldspurger. Preventing Recursion Deadlock in Concurrent Object-Oriented Systems, Proceedings of the Sixth International Parallel Processing Symposium (IPPS '92), March 1992. PDF. A longer version appears as Technical Report MIT/LCS/TR-526, January 1992. PDF.

  • William Weihl, Eric Brewer, Adrian Colbrook, Chrysanthos Dellarocas, Wilson Hsieh, Anthony Joseph, Carl Waldspurger, and Paul Wang. Prelude: A System for Portable Parallel Software, Extended Abstract, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Languages Europe (PARLE '92), June 1992. PDF. Full paper appears as Technical Report MIT/LCS/TR-519, October 1991. PDF.

  • Adrian Colbrook, Willaim Weihl, Eric Brewer, Chrysanthos Dellarocas, Wilson Hsieh, Anthony Joseph, Carl Waldspurger, and Paul Wang. Portable Software for Multiprocessor Systems, Computing and Control Engineering Journal, November 1992. PDF.

  • Carl A. Waldspurger, Tad Hogg, Bernardo A. Huberman, Jeff O. Kephart, and Scott Stornetta. Spawn: A Distributed Computational Economy, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 18(2):103-117, February 1992. PDF.

  • Jeff Palmucci, Carl A. Waldspurger, David Duis, and Paul Krause. Experience with Acore: Implementing GHC with Actors, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Memo #1106, October 1990. PDF.

  • Carl A. Waldspurger. A Distributed Computational Economy for Utilizing Idle Resources, Master's thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, May 1989. PDF.

  • Dennis Arnon, Richard Beach, Kevin McIsaac, and Carl Waldspurger. CaminoReal: An Interactive Mathematical Notebook, Proceedings of International Conference on Electronic Publishing, Document Manipulation, and Typography (EP '88), Nice, France, April 1988. Received award for best paper. PDF.

Invited Talks (Selected)

  • Carl Waldspurger. Perspectives on Virtualized Resource Management, Tenth International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC '13), San Jose, California, June 2013. Slides.

  • Carl Waldspurger. Introduction to Virtual Machines, Slides. Resource Management for Virtualized Systems, Slides. VMware MIT IAP Course: The Science Behind Virtualization, Cambridge, Massachusetts, January 2010.

  • Carl Waldspurger. Managing Datacenter Resources Using the VirtualCenter Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS), VMworld 2005, Las Vegas, Nevada, October 18, 2005. Slides.

  • Carl Waldspurger. The Itsy Pocket Computer, International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC '98), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, October 19, 1998. Slides.


Carl Waldspurger